New research from the Murthy lab takes a broad look at the fly brain
April 6, 2021

How does the brain represent the external world? The prevailing view is that specific brain regions perform specialized functions, such as encoding what we see or hear, and these regions interact to produce our holistic sense of experience.

New research from the Murthy lab takes a broad look at the fly brain
April 6, 2021

How does the brain represent the external world? The prevailing view is that specific brain regions perform specialized functions, such as encoding what we see or hear, and these regions interact to produce our holistic sense of experience.

A new Neuro Resource from the Pillow lab tracks the dynamics of learning in sensory decision-making tasks
March 2, 2021

In February 2021, the Pillow lab published a new study “Extracting the dynamics of behavior in sensory decision-making experiments” in Neuron in collaboration with Ji Hyun Bak (UCSF), Athena Akrami (PNI, now UCL) and C