April 12, 2024 Adelaide Minerva has been selected to receive the Charlotte Elizabeth Procter Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year. This prestigious honorific fellowship reflects the Graduate School’s exceptionally high opinion of Addie's scholarship. Addie is a 5th year graduate student in the Peña and Witten Labs, using both single-nucleus RNA-seq and single-cell 2-photon imaging to understand brain reward circuit alterations associated with stress resilience and susceptibility. Addie majored in Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology with a minor in Predictive Health at Emory University, where she worked with Leonard Howell to investigate the prosocial effects of MDMA. After graduating, she worked with Lisa Gunaydin at UCSF studying how projections from the the prefrontal cortex regulate subcortical areas involved in motivated behavior. The Procter Fellowship was established in 1912 in memory of Charlotte Elizabeth Procter by her son and is open to students who are in their terminal year. Fellows are selected by vote of the University faculty on nomination by the dean of the Graduate School after consultation with professors in each nominee’s home department. The fellowship recognizes students in their later year of study for outstanding academic performance and professional promise.