Jan. 18, 2023 The Neuroscience Research Experience is designed to provide sophomore students with an in-lab research experience. NEU250 is intended to be a credit-bearing grade optional P/D/F course.Students will gain research experience in the laboratory of a faculty member in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute. Students are expected to spend 10 hours per week engaged in research as outlined by the mentoring faculty. Students are also expected to attend weekly research meetings and read research papers. At the end of the semester, students will present their findings to the faculty member and research group.The course is designed for sophomores. First-year students may be permitted to enroll in limited situations with permission of the instructors.Only students intending to concentrate in Neuroscience, or have permission of the instructors, are permitted to enroll in the course. In addition, students are encouraged to have completed at least one introductory course in Neuroscience (NEU201 or NEU202) during their first year at Princeton, or have received permission of the instructors. NEU250 does not count as a departmental course for a major in Neuroscience.To apply, students should identify a potential faculty mentor in the Princeton Neuroscience to discuss potential research opportunities. Once a suitable mentor has agreed to serve as a mentor for the course, students should forward this email confirmation to the course instructor.